Friday, June 8, 2012

The nanny state rides again

The big government crowd cannot stay quiet. They believe in the innermost part of their being they know better how to run our life than we do. The big government bunch is always finding ways to boss us around under the ruse of it being for our well being. The Mayor of New York City has shown his big government DNA by announcing he is going to sign a new regulation in that city which no longer allows for the selling of big soda drinks. He is certain, with his big government nanny state attitude, that he knows best how to make everyone in New York City fit and trim. He is carrying a great concern that too many people in New York City are overweight and he has decided it is because they can order a giant sized soda drink. So, therefore, to save the fatties from themselves, he is going to order that giant sized soda drinks cannot be purchased in New York City. Where does one start to expose how utterly ridiculous such thinking is? It is not the government’s business to be telling anyone they can’t have a big soda drink. This comes as a shock to the nanny state crowd, who are certain they know better how to make decisions for the poor saps that happen to live within their city limit. One would think that areas such as crime, infrastructure issues, taxes, and having enough money to operate the government in taking care of the safety of the citizens would be high on the list of government leaders, but not so with the nanny state crowd. The crowd that wants larger government has never seen a regulation they did not like unless it applies to them. The mayor of New York City has the welfare of the citizens as his top priority when he makes such invasive regulations upon the citizens; he assured in media interviews after the announcement of the new regulation. A full page ad in the New York Times showed the head of the mayor affixed to the body of a person dressed as a nanny. The big government crowd is always shocked that we do not understand they really are trying to take care of us because we do not have the brains to make right decisions. The announcement by the mayor had ironic timing because it was made on national donut day. It has been a long time since I purchased or drank a soda drink of any size. My drink of choice the majority of the time is water, but it is not because the government told me I had to drink water only. The decision to drink only water is dictated by my personal choice. Over the last several years, we have watched as more regulations are being sent down from the bigger government bunch out of Washington. Snack foods have been under attack from government regulators. Schools have been instructed to remove sugar products from the vending machines. School lunches are now being stripped of certain items the government decides is not good for children to eat. It is hard to understand why the bigger government crowd believes they are the only ones who can make decisions for the masses. There are some people who love writing regulations for other people to follow, but when it is time for them to obey the laws or regulations they refuse to toe the line like they are insisting others do. Bending or breaking of rules, regulations, and laws seems to be a way of life for certain people in the political world. They are good at handing out orders, but not good at following the rules by which they are elected to govern. It has been said power is addictive. We need fewer government regulations, a renewed emphasis on personal responsibility and freedom.