Friday, August 17, 2012

We must change the direction of our nation

 Last weekend, as I took a trip down memory lane, I was reminded time and tide waits for no one. The memories seemed more like an Interstate highway rather than an old country lane. The occasion bringing the flood of memories was the 50th year since my high school graduation.  The year I graduated from high school was 1962. Looking back as I did with old friends, those seemed like simple days. Compared to the fast paced world of today, they were simple. It seemed we all knew everybody in our town, especially in our little neighborhood. We all knew each other; parents, grandparents, school teachers, preachers, and politicians were all known by name and the church where they held membership. One of my classmates reminded us when all the stores closed on Wednesday at lunchtime allowing the employees and customers to go to church for midweek prayer meeting. We could spend much time walking back into those days, known as the “good old days.” But those days are gone forever. As much as some would like to turn the clock back to regain those days, that is not possible. We must always be moving forward

As we move forward, we have an election taking place in several counties with run-off voting next Tuesday August 21, please vote.

Once this round of elections is finalized we move forward to November 6, and the General Election. While there are many interesting local and statewide races across the country, none will occupy more attention than the Presidential Election.  Our country will make a choice as to the direction we want to see our country going in the future. Being an observer and having strong opinions about the direction I would like to see our country take, I offer the following list of suggestions.

To change the trajectory of our nation we must find a way to cut spending. We cannot continue to spend with wild abandonment as if there is no time coming when we must pay the bills. We must seal our borders. We cannot continue to allow our borders to be open with anyone coming into our country without following the established process of entry. To allow the borders to remain open will not be a dream, but will continue to be the nightmare that it has become. In the cutting of spending that must take place, we must come to understand that entitlements are a bottomless pit and that we cannot pay for every want or wish that all the people in our country desire and have now come to demand. We must have leadership who will deal with the hard issues, rather than telling us what they think we want to hear. We have all heard of the American dream. (We talked about that in my class reunion.) The American dream has been hijacked and turned into an out of control train wreck that is headed over a cliff. We must have leadership willing to establish law and order by enforcing laws that are currently in the code books and doing away with the useless laws that suppress freedoms. We must establish a means by which businesses will be unshackled from over regulation. We must establish the means allowing for the drilling of the natural resources we have underneath us in our country’s soil and offshore in our waterways. We must find a way to have less government control and allow for more personal responsibility to assure success. Government must get out of the way and allow us to reclaim the American dream. Dignity of life must be restored.  The value of human life needs to be put into its proper place allowing for protection of human life from conception until natural death. We need to understand that government cannot redefine marriage because it never defined marriage in the beginning. Our first ten amendments to our constitution need to be reaffirmed and never tampered with again. We need to have courage enough to get out of the most useless international organization on earth, the United Nations.  The way forward in our nation will be challenging, but we must change directions in order to remain a free nation.