Thursday, April 25, 2013

We must stand together against terror plots

We are not liked by many people. I know that statement comes as a surprise to those of you reading this column.  There is no other country that has given more money away, responded in times of disaster, fought wars for freedom on foreign soil, and rebuilt the war-torn nation and with bucket loads of money, supported the United Nations (the most useless organization anywhere) responding every time a nation has asked for assistance, yet we are not liked. “Not liked” could be a little weak, we are hated by many people in other nations, and some inside our country. Trying to find out why other people dislike (even hate us) is a big waste of time, in my opinion. Our nation set out on a course to experiment with freedom for individuals. We sought to allow individual and corporate freedom in order to elevate the lifestyle of every person in our nation. There are liberals who have never liked the idea of free market economy. There are liberals who think that the only good government is a centralized government with only a few elites at the top with complete control of the government and the personal lives of all the citizens. There are liberals who have greatly benefited from the ideology that caused this nation to be as great as it became. The majority of the liberals who have reached the top of success in their profession did so because they live in America. What they desire to force on this nation has never made anyone safe, secure, or successful. We are not a perfect nation. There is no such example to be found anywhere. In our long and blessed history, we have opened our doors to people from every part of the globe. We have shown great patience in seeking to assist the hurting, and even criminals seeking refugee status. Yet in all we have done, we are still hated! Why? Who knows and at this point in time, rather than wasting time on finding out why we are so hated, let us band together to show the world we are people who can succeed. Let us show the liberals and the extremists in economics, the centralized government crowd, the other groups wanting to impose their brand of religious tyranny on us (and any other haters), we are Americans and we are free to make choices, allowing individuals to take risks that will lead to success or failure based on the individual’s desire to better themselves. Our nation, like the truth or not, was founded with a strong belief in God and the Judeo-Christian work ethic. We were respectful of other people’s rights, opinions, and choices in the founding of our nation. We were fed up with government control and tyranny, which included taxation without representation, thus we declared our country to be a free and independent nation.

There are people inside our nation who think nothing of destroying lives or families and are seeking to bring to ruin our resolve as a freedom loving people. We know there are people who plot, plan, and carry out the plan hurting innocent people because of their hatred for what they see as a nation that needs to be destroyed. We have people outside our nation who would like nothing more than to wipe our country off the map. Their hate filled minds cannot think past their next planned terror attack. They think only of themselves and will stop at nothing to deliver their personal message of hate.

Before we jump into hiding, let us stand strong with fellow citizens as we fight off the haters among us. Many men, women, and children have given their lives as targets of the haters of the world. We need to find more ways to protect our country. We need to bring swift judgment to bear upon any person inside or outside our nation with a desire to bring a reign of terror upon us. Let us look carefully at any who try to hide behind the freedoms we enjoy in order to continue making their plots to destroy us. We must let it be known to the world we intend to continue as a free country. We must send the message that we will not bow to terror attacks or to any with plans to force on us other forms of government than the one that made our country great.

Ray Newman