Friday, February 11, 2011

The struggle between producers and confiscators

The fight for liberty and freedom continues and must ever be on the minds of those of us who wish to remain free. Our founders were certain that we have the rights given to us from our Creator for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life begins at conception and deserves the opportunity to know the full assurance of life in order to one day enjoy liberty and be free to pursue happiness.

The struggle for freedom and liberty has never been between the haves and the have-nots in societies. The struggle for freedom when it has been fought has always been between the producers and the confiscators. The majority of the people of a culture are producers in order to provide for themselves and their families. As governments have been organized there is power inherent in their structure. That structure requires the producers to provide for those in power and for others the government believes should receive.

It has been my observation that people have power because it is given to them. Government has power because the people grant it. It is when the government demands power and finds ways of conscripting the power for itself, that we begin to see our liberties and freedoms diminish. When the producing class becomes smaller and the demands for what they provide grow greater is when we begin to see the agitation of the people in the culture. Again, this is not a struggle between the haves and have-nots, but a struggle between the providers and the confiscators. Government is necessary, but only in a limited sense. When we are required to depend upon government for every aspect of life is when we have lost most, if not all of our liberties and freedoms.

There are people who argue that we have gone too far down the road to make a change in our government structure. We have generations of citizens who are certain that the government must guarantee them all the necessities and wants they have in life. What seems to have been missed in all of the government promises and doles to so many is that someone somewhere has to be a producer and provide what is then being redistributed to others. We have become so callused that we continue to demand more from our government than it can ever possibly provide and we rebel at the thought of cutting government programs even though we know they cannot be sustained over several generations.

Every time there is a new government spending program there can be certainty that it will require taking from one group in order to give to another group in society. We are at the point where we now are taking from future generations in order to placate the current dole receivers. As this pattern continues, it will require a stronger and more aggressive government in order to exact larger shares from the producers and providers in life. As this pattern plays out, government becomes stronger and the people weaker with fewer freedoms. With fewer freedoms there is an almost certainty that happiness will no longer be pursued and conflict arises between citizens.

We have a ruling elite class that believes they know better how to spend our money than we do. They require from the citizens a high price in order to sustain their lifestyle and to be able to give more to the non producers in life. With every new government spending program there is a promise of money to some group, but in order to fund the program there are cuts from other programs.  The government that has already confiscated money to put into a government program then takes the money from that program in order to fund another government give-away. This type of thinking can only come from those who either do not understand what they are doing, or they are following a well planned path to bankrupt this nation in order to bring down the country into a dependent class. The dependent class would no longer be producers, but would be on the receiving end of what others have taken from them in order to provide for non producers. This path will lead into anarchy and destroy our free nation.

Ray Newman, February, All Rights Reserved

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