Thursday, December 1, 2011

Have we become a nation of vultures?

Someone has called this generation the “Me first generation.” The reported events from last Friday’s shopping frenzy across the country proved once and for all that some people care nothing about others, but have the focus and attention fully on what they want to do when they want to do it. The early morning shopping event that has come to be known as “Black Friday” was not without incidents as people began lining up long before stores were to open with promises of special bargains to the first people to make it through the doors on to the sales floor. Reports came in all day about people who jumped ahead in line, fights breaking out because of people crowding so close together that some were under threat of being trampled once the doors were finally opened for business. There were reports of shootings, pepper spray being used on other shoppers by an eager shopper who wanted a certain item, and even a report of a person dying in the push of the crowd only to be ignored by people as they pushed their way forward and into the store to be among the first to get the bargains of the minute.

All these events leave us with a major question. “What has happened to us in America?” We have turned into a bunch of vultures caring little for others and wanting to be first in line to grab up promised bargains at cut rate prices. We seem to be at a point to where we will cut throats of others to save a few pennies. One might argue that the economy being down has caused some people to do almost anything to save or to take advantage of a bargain. It is not the bargain I am so much concerned with as the way we are now treating each other as we race toward getting something at a cut rate price. It could also be argued that out of all the stores and all the crowds of people, the percentage of those who pushed, shoved, or shot their way to the front of the line was a very small number. This could be true, but again I ask, “What has happened to us?” Why have we come to the place that other people’s feelings and well being are thrown aside when we have our eye on something we want? Early in my adult life (many years ago), there was a saying about the business world being a “dog eat dog world.” Someone once told me, “You have to look out for number one because no one else will.” That seems to be the prevailing attitude today. There is an overshadowing concept that pushing, shoving, and breaking in line is ok as long as the purpose is to satisfy a desire, want, or wish a person might have at the present moment. We seem to have a generation of people who live just for the moment and they want what they want when they want it no matter who or what they have to step on to achieve their personal desire, want, or wish.

It could be said again, that we are dealing with only a small percentage of people. The larger majority of us want to get along, work together, and even help our neighbors achieve and succeed in life. There has always been a criminal element in society and those who want to take from others what they have and make it their on. Stealing and robbery are considered to be crimes against persons. There was a time in the old west when stealing a person’s horse was a crime punishable by hanging. We certainly do not need to return to the days when people become vigilantes with roving bands of citizens moving about in the dark to punish supposed criminals in the community. Likewise, we do not need roving bands of people gathering to push their way forward without consideration for other people’s personal property. Today, it seems any time there is a crowd of people gathering there is the possibility that the crowd could become a mob. They loose control and become almost as if they only have one mind; people are hurt in the process of being in the way of what the mob wants to obtain.

In the season when we sing about peace on earth, good will toward all people we need to show we really mean what we sing.

Ray Newman
Copyright: December 1, 2011
Column first appeared in Barrow County News, Winder, GA.

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