Friday, January 13, 2012

I admit to being a partisan

Having written this personal opinion column for almost nine (9) years, I continue to pick up new readers with questions about my positions and convictions on public policy issues. This was the four hundred and fifty fourth (454th) column that appeared in The Barrow County News. From the first column until now, the attempt is to express my personal opinion on a wide range of public policy issues from the conservative viewpoint which I live.

I receive notes often from people that have read the column as it has been forwarded into other states and then forwarded again to other readers. Over the Christmas holidays, I received a note from someone on the other side of the country asking me to write my personal endorsement for certain people currently seeking the nomination to be the candidate for President. I have never used this column to endorse individuals. However, with my personal involvement in the political world outside of this column, I have worked as a volunteer for certain candidates. I will continue to do that, but this column, by my personal choice, will not be used to endorse any candidates. I prefer to deal with public policy issues and positions expressed through platforms of candidates and political parties rather than to highlight one candidate as my choice.

In the early days of writing this column I gave a list of non-negotiable positions that are part of my DNA as a conservative. Several times during these many years of having this column printed, I have referred back to those statements. Today, I am going to summarize the convictions I hold from a positive viewpoint. Sometimes when I hear from my readers, they want to know why I am negative rather than presenting a positive viewpoint. The list below is intended to be a positive statement about my personal beliefs and lifestyle. This list is presented without additional comment. As in all lists that are given, they do call for an expansion of thought and ideas as to why one holds to the stated view. That expanded column will take more space than I have, but will be carried out over the next several months. Following is the positive list of convictions motivating and driving my lifestyle and political positions.

I am pro-life; pro-personhood amendment; pro-free speech; pro-free press; pro-small government; pro-personal property rights; pro-local government; pro-local control of education; pro-biblical worldview; pro-Israel; pro-free elections; pro-gun rights; pro-US constitution; pro-strong national defense; pro-closed and protected borders; pro-family; pro-marriage as a union between one man and one woman; pro-domesticated animal owner; pro-freedom to worship; pro-protection for minors; pro-right to work; pro-personal mobility; pro-capital punishment; pro-capitalism; pro-protection for all abused (humans, fowls, or animals), pro-military; pro-law enforcement; pro-public, private or home school education; pro-rule-of-law; pro-human rights; pro-freedom to assemble; pro-freedom to petition government; pro-government transparency; pro-freedom to choose where to live, work, play, how to invest, where to worship, where to travel, a personal physician; pro-ethical government at all levels; pro-freedom of the air waves; and on a lighter side, pro-SEC sports.

As can be seen from this list, I am a partisan. I am biased, as are all people. I have never met a person who is completely devoid of preferences or opinions. With all due respect to my readers who were not blessed to be born in the South, my personal opinion is that food in the south is the best anywhere, and that football in the south is the best on the planet. I realize that in saying this many disagree, but that is their personal choice and opinion, just as I have my personal opinion. We are both free to express our opinions on the wider range of subjects impacting us all each day.

I will take a line or two to list a couple of things on which I am negative. My personal opinion is that the most useless organization on earth is the United Nations; it needs to be closed forever. I am also anti-political correctness.

Whatever your personal opinions and preferences might be, I am firmly certain that you have the right to express them, just as I do. We can disagree on principle, and even people, but let us never come to the place that because we disagree we seek through some government law to silence the person with whom we see things differently. We can begin this New Year without fear in expressing our beliefs and opinions.

Ray Newman

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