Thursday, July 5, 2012

Not a path to freedom

On this celebration of our nation’s Declaration of Independent from the oppression of the King of England, we have reached another major watershed mark. Will our nation continue to enjoy a free market economy? Will we continue to enjoy the free market system that has allowed our nation to be the number one most sought after nation on earth? Will the blood, shed by military and civilian citizens to purchase our freedoms, be looked on in our future as a waste of time and life? What is the future for our nation? The path we are currently on is not a path to freedom but to enslavement. We are being led into a place where the government is larger and government control is paramount to everything else. Personal freedoms are fast being thrown away. Many people have tried to find a silver lining in the 5 to 4 ruling of the Supreme Court last week. I am of the opinion there are few, if any, positives to be found in their affirmation allowing big government to take over even the smallest decisions we have been making. Personal decisions and personal responsibility have been thrown away by that 5 to 4 ruling. Using trick words and government-political-vocabulary, we have been sold out by some who were reported to have been conservative in their thinking. By the leftists’ vocabulary use of the word penalty not being a tax is nothing more than shameful as if we have no more awareness than to know we have been tricked. One of the tricks of the left is to redefine words and have enough people say the words until finally the citizens give in to admit that a penalty is not a tax. Saying a government imposed penalty that is required to be paid to the IRS is not a tax is like the current bait-and-switch wording of those who are pushing so hard to expand gambling in our state and exchange the word gambling to the word gaming. The predatory practices of the big government crowd never change. Their intent is to control, through government, all that we do in life. We will no longer have personal accountability or personal responsibility because that big government bunch is sure they know better how to run our life than we do. At this point in our history, we have only a small window of opportunity left to us to change the trajectory of our country. The only resource we have, at this time, is to be registered to vote, and to vote in every election. We must never choose not to vote in any election and let the government control crowd continue to win at the ballot box. No matter how sincere or how super educated the left want to paint their intention, there is no doubt they are determined to take over this country throwing our hard fought freedoms in the trash bin of history. Each year at this time I read the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Communist Manifesto. Last weekend, I took time to read those three documents again. Each year upon reading the documents of our history and the document outlining the desire by communists to enslave all people everywhere, yet promising freedom, I have a greater fear we are closer to loosing all of our freedoms than ever. In this week when we celebrate our freedoms with family and friends, let us all engage others in the conversation where we will express our beliefs in that which has made and kept our country great. Let us determine to make sure those men and women who receive our vote in the next election will always vote our values that will continue to assure we will remain a free nation. Unless we rally the citizens of our country to stand up, speak up, and refuse to be silent until we turn back this nation to less government and more personal responsibility, we will continue on the path where we are headed and when we arrive we will discover it is not a path to freedom, but enslavement to the government. With too many of our citizens now depending on the government for support and their livelihood, it is possible we will continue down this road to enslavement. We must no longer remain silent, but be wiling to stand and be counted as those who stand for freedom from government tyranny.

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