Monday, March 18, 2013

The New Order of Values

A society or social order which determines it will be devoid of values, traditions, or absolutes is one that has chosen to live by no rule or value system. In effect, they have created another value system that is devoid of any value. On the surface, the idea of having no values or making up values as a society develops might sound inviting. The ultimate outcome of such thinking, however, leads to anarchy or to terrorism as the value system by which the society is ordered.

While many in our world think they have come up with a new way to live, they really have just fallen into an old trap of academia and supposed progressive thinking by adopting a concept birthed in Russia in the 19th century known as Nihilism. This “know-nothing” philosophy as a way to look at life and to establish order in culture, always leads to a dead end of nothingness. The main issue to the nihilistic thinker is to overthrow all old ideas and ways of looking at life, and embrace new thought. New thought that has no basis in making decisions is an empty pit out of which mankind cannot climb. While in the pit of nothingness the value system that develops, while pretending to be fair and to promise equal justice, really does away with fairness and any former of social order justice. The ultimate outcome of throwing away all values and traditions leads to the development of new values and traditions based on emotion, passion, and spur-of-the-moment concepts that do not stand the test of time to assure either fairness or social equality.

We can take the concept of personal choice as it is reflected in the pro abort mindset. The issue for this thinking is personal choice but on the face of the value system that is developed, there is no fairness or equal justice because the life taken has no way of defending or speaking up for self. The only self recognized in the debate is the personal choice of the one who will take the life of another person. This debate leads to a death. There must be at least two voices that speak on this issue, but with the post modern mindset there is only one voice that can ever be heard and that is the pro abort voice. There is no fairness or equal justice there.

This continues with those who are certain they have come up with a way to assure fairness in the area of marriage by insisting society must now acknowledge that the only real fair way to look at marriage is to allow for so-called same-sex-marriage. The post modern mindset embracing the concept of nihilism throws away tradition and rules of order that have served every civilized society from the beginning of time. Marriage as a union between one man and one woman is the founding block of society and human order. Once a society determines that they have the personal choice to take the life of the unborn person and then not just refine marriage but reconstruct society, we have reached a point to where we make up our values as we go, rather than depending upon the founding value system of our culture.

Once all old values, traditions, and rules of order have been successfully thrown away, the only rule (which is the new rule or value system) is that terrorism reigns supreme. The strong survive, but not for very long, because along will come someone stronger to do away with them and we see the ultimate end of civilized society.  A society no longer able to procreate because of the chosen lifestyle of same-sex-marriage will see the end of all humankind on the horizon. We also see that the progressive thinkers who embrace nihilism and the post modern mindset see no problem with the ultimate outcome because for them, they embrace the idea that there will never be an end about which to be concerned once we reach (for them) the ultimate goal of fairness and equal justice for all.  They have created in their minds a world that cannot be or will never be, and certainly it will not yield the utopian ideal society they envision.  We can conclude then that nihilism is fatal and leads to the end of all things, not to fairness or any hope for social justice.

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