Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Amnesty is the wrong path

Amnesty, that will declare all illegal aliens in our country as suddenly legal, is a terrible public policy. Unless America becomes serious about making our borders secure we will always have people entering our country illegally. We cannot say we are going to declare the borders to be secure when by all reports they are not. When student visas are granted to foreign students allowing them to enter our country with the express purpose of attending college but they never enroll or they stay longer than the visa allows, then our laws are being broken. When a person enters this nation with a stated purpose and is allowed legal entry but once inside they decide they are not going to abide by their already pledged purpose for being inside our nation, they have then moved into the area of being illegal. When laws, already on the books but are not being enforced for whatever reason, the person who is no longer adhering to their stated reason for being in our country has then moved into the realm of lawbreaker. Some people argue that because they are unknowingly breaking a law, we must then give the illegal aliens the benefit of the doubt and allow them to stay in our country illegally. That flies in the face of every level of law enforcement this nation is founded on. I understand clearly why many people want to come to America to live and make a living. We are free and upward mobility is allowed to bring about betterment of a person’s condition in life. The reality of bad public policy is when blanket or retroactive amnesty is granted or planned once certain other standards are met and then that allows for a run on our borders (that are not secure), meaning that once illegal aliens are inside our nation they can enjoy all the rights and freedoms those of us who are in the country legally have.

Some people may ask, “Where is the compassion?” There are people who argue that we offer more jobs, freedom, and the ability to have a better way of life than any other nation on the planet. That being true does not make it right for people to overrun our borders, entering this nation through false means, and then putting down roots to stay without benefit of being legal.

We are discovering the disaster the so-called Affordable Health Care Act is with regulations that threaten to destroy jobs and bring down our nation setting us up to become a third world country. The same is true when we have talk of opening the borders and allowing all people currently in our country illegally to suddenly be declared legal. In former years, plans for amnesty proved to be a disaster, likewise, the current concept of securing borders, and then creating a so-called “path to citizenship” will not work in the long term to make us a safer nation filled with law abiding citizens. I care deeply for America. I love the opportunities we make available to people who want to obey our laws. I know there are criminals and others who learn quickly how to take advantage of the generous loving spirit that is demonstrated in our nation. We will not long be able to afford the assistance necessary to attend to every need of all the people who are already in our nation illegally. When members of Congress propose adding to those numbers other people who have shown an unwillingness to obey our laws they are setting up for failure of a major size.

 When we become serious about having secure borders, and allowing into our nation only those people who are willing to obey our laws in order to one day become citizens, then we could be on our way to finding a comprehensive solution to the immigration issue. Until then, we are facing major tough decisions as to how we are going to insist that the current laws be enforced. Those decisions could prove to be the most difficult we have ever faced in our country. The harshness of some solutions always causes people on both sides of the issue to point out how impossible it will be to put into practice.  Something must be done to find a solution, but amnesty is not the right path.

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