Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We need to pray

These last weeks have been filled with many events to occupy our time. The bombings in Boston, the shoot-out involving one of the bombers and the capture of the other one took up several hours of news space. The haunting questions related to when the FBI knew about the two bombers and their family and why nothing was done to stop what became another terror attack, still lingers. Another month where we are to be made more aware of child abuse has come and gone. The awareness of Autism, a developmental issue, is finally reaching into the public view. We are filled with many causes and issues that keep on rolling across the scroll at the bottom of the screen on the news networks. From an official point of view, we still don’t know what happened regarding the attack upon our citizens in Benghazi. The sequester cuts and how they are to be handled is proving to be a public relations nightmare for President Obama. It would seem that in order to exact as much pain as possible on a certain segment of the American people and to finally make the general public aware that the mean old Republicans are to receive the blame has backfired and with non partisan (across the aisle) agreement, the air traffic controllers have been rushed back to work. In not seeing the bigger picture, the person responsible to develop this strategy seemed to forget that members of the House and Senate rush home each week on airplanes, and they were also being delayed in their flights home. One more great idea about being able to point a finger at the other side came back to embarrass the White House. Reading this list, I am beginning to be depressed. Our world is in a mess. At this time in our nation, who is giving any leadership? Leadership seems to be an absent characteristic at this point in our history. Frustration, even anger, is being expressed. We need not get too worked up, however, as the President still has time to “Yuk It Up” with news correspondents for their annual “get-together” at a swanky hotel in Washington. While government waste continues; the entitlement generation wants more; demands continue for higher taxes; and charges of murder against an abortionist in Philadelphia goes under reported because (we are told) few people want to know about what is called “after birth abortion;” and the President finds time to invoke God’s blessings on Planned Parenthood; all is right in the world of the liberal elites in our country.

You will excuse me today if I am a bit sarcastic. I am still mourning the surprise loss last week of George Jones, the greatest country singer ever. Before you get all in an uproar, it is only natural that I would love country music after growing up in the Deep South listening every Saturday night to the Grand Ole Opry and remembering that as a child, the first time I saw my mother cry was the day Hank Williams’ death was announced. Country Music is more than just a genre of music; it is a way-of-life. Country Music singers/songwriters touch the deep heart strings of their listeners with the lyrics of the songs they write and sing. The unfortunate stories behind so many of the hits of country music mirror the train wrecked lives of the singer/songwriters. Few people have been as blessed with God given talent as some of the greats in country music. George Jones was one of those. His personal and family life was a mess. Alcohol, other drugs, women, and wild parties made up much of the life of George Jones. Knowing all he went through in his life of 81 years, one would be hard pressed not to admit that once he stepped up to the microphone to sing, his talent was anything short of God granted. The Lindsey Lohans, Kardashians and other celebrities of today’s party scene have nothing on the generation of country music stars I remember as a child and young adult. Following the surprise announcement of George Jones’ death last week, people from around the music industry proclaimed Jones’ most famous hit; “He stopped loving her today” as the greatest country hit of all times. Knowing all that is going on in the world and with the death of country legend George Jones, National Day of Prayer (tomorrow) could not have been planned for a better time. We need to pray!

Ray Newman

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