Thursday, May 16, 2013

Not Much Hope Left

Within the ranks of the elitist crowd, there is a determined plan to wipe out the input of the average taxpayer from any decisions. There are focus groups and study groups being brought into the ranks of government at the highest level to counsel with the decision makers and to write policy that will touch the lives of average Americans. Recently, the pentagon found they were in hot water when word leaked they were going to write policy that would exclude the personal witness of, or the opportunity for members in the military to have freedom of religious expression. The high ranking decision makers within the walls of the pentagon sought the advice of an atheist to help write the new policy. Once they were caught in the act (the atheist could not keep quiet about his plan to silence people of religious conviction), the leaders in the pentagon found it necessary to make statements denying their plan would rob any person of their guaranteed religious liberties. For several days, it was necessary to issue statements defining words and purposes of the rewriting of the policies. This is just one example of how the elitists are setting plans in place to take from us our freedoms.

Were it not for certain members of Congress, the current administration in Washington would have been able to sweep under the rug the assault on our consulate, staffed with American citizens on 9.11.12 in Benghazi, Libya. The willing lap dog main stream media successfully continues to hide from public view the events that are happening as the orchestrated plans continue to be moved forward to strip from us our freedoms.

 Last Friday, an IRS official admitted what many have felt was taking place as the IRS official admitted to the fact they are requiring more information from conservative groups for them to be approved for a tax exempt status. We know the IRS is the main enforcer of the so-called Affordable Health Care Act, better known as Obamacare. This elitist plan to take over the lives of the majority of Americans and destroy small businesses in our country is now being called by some in the highest levels of government, “A train wreck.” What seems like a train wreck to some is turning into a nightmare for the majority of small business owners and for those who provide jobs for many entrance level young employees. Obamacare is proving to be exactly what many of us thought; a job killer and a freedom destroyer.

 The main stream media has refused to report the news and spend the majority of their time finding ways to cover for the decisions of the Obama administration while pretending to report the news. There is always someone else to find who must be blamed for the decisions being used to take from us our personal and corporate freedoms. There are so many examples of covering up what should be front page headlines that some in the media have come forward to admit their disgust with their industry. One example of under reporting is the heinous charges and conviction against the abortion clinic doctor in Philadelphia. Some in Congress are now putting together legislation that will require more supervision of and inspection of these abortion mills as a result of testimony in the Kermit Gosnell trial.

Added to the above listed issues, we have the overtime speed with which regulations are being pushed forward that covers all aspects of our lives by this administration. One cannot help but wonder what the next three years will bring if this trend continues at the current speed. For example, the newly released allowance of providing the “morning after pill” to early adolescent girls sends the wrong signal and will encourage sexual misconduct at an earlier age than now.

It is thought the last four years of a two term presidential career is to build the legacy of the President.  We wonder what the legacy of President Obama will be. He did say he would totally change the direction of our nation. He promised hope and change. The changes we are seeing at lightning speed. It remains to be seen if we will have any hope left after all the changes are made.

Ray Newman

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