Friday, May 24, 2013

Will we remain a free nation?

Terms such as “The Chicago Way,” and “Being thuggish,” are making their way around social media outlets following the revelations  of the Department of Justice obtaining phone records of reporters who work for the Associated Press and Fox News and  with the I.R.S. profiling conservative groups in order to delay or deny their application for tax exempt status there is much concern growing. These outrageous assaults on our freedoms are added to the already frustrating attempts by Congress to have questions answered about the attack on our consulate in Libya. With Congress holding hearings on these subjects, little is known why these events are continuing and the uneasiness of the American people is beginning to surface. Government’s role is to protect the citizens from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Government is not to be feared but to assure the safety of all citizens. Fairness and balance in government is a goal toward which all people being governed would like to see happen. There is an impression by many citizens that only the elites receive special treatment of influence and power. The average hard working, tax paying citizen has long felt they are taken advantage of by their government officials. As these events become more known across the country, they continue to fuel the discontent and the fear that government no longer protects the citizens but impose their big government ideas upon a helpless population.

A government leader who cannot call terrorist or terrorism what it is but believes that because a taxpaying citizen, who cares enough to stand up and speak up for freedom, is someone to be profiled and kept in check is certainly proving what many people have speculated would happen.

 I always speak in a positive way about our military and the law enforcement agencies across our nation who are hired and trained to protect us. As I talk with people across our state, I am hearing more people share their deep concern that those whom we expect to protect us will be ordered to harm us if we dare speak our convictions and stand up for freedom.

I am certain it takes a great amount of courage for someone to enter a political race. With the large amount of money required to conduct a successful campaign for office at any level of government, many people will never be able to enter a race. While there are numerous people today expressing great desire to see new people run for office and to be able to investigate every person running, there is a fear that one does not really know the deep agendas of any candidate until after they are in office and then, it is too late to remove them, it seems. There are certain words that always attract my attention in a political speech. One of those words is: “reform.” Reform means change. The question that must be answered before anyone is elected to office is: “What type of change are you talking about?”

Our nation is built upon the blood, sweat and tears of former generations of people willing to give their life if necessary to assure our freedoms would remain intact. A sad moment in our American history is to watch as the total direction of our country is being changed and the fabric upon which this nation was built is being torn apart. For many years, I have insisted that when we listen to a politician long enough we will hear them tell the truth. At the point in time we must insist on hearing the truth and understand the truth as it is being given to us. I am not an advocate for turning the clock back; that is not possible. We will never again be the nation we once were. I am, however, an advocate for advancing the freedoms of our nation that were purchased with the blood of former generations who have gone before us in death. This generation of those seeking to change this nation into a “progressive” big government and socialist nation must not succeed. In the long run, a powerful centralized government will not assure the safety of the hard working taxpaying citizens. A government that continues to grow bigger becomes a threat to the freedoms of all citizens. With all the changes taking place one wonders if we will remain a free nation.

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